Institute of Food Sciences
The Institute of Food Sciences is an organizational unit of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, established on October 1, 2019 due to structural changes at the University related to the entry into force of the provisions of Act 2.0. The Institute conducts research in the scientific discipline of food and nutrition technology.
The Institute of Food Sciences, being the heir of the scientific experience of the Faculty of Food Sciences, and earlier the Faculty of Food Technology, continues their scientific achievements and implements the objectives included in the “Scientific Policy of the food and nutrition technology discipline” adopted for the years 2021-2024 by the Food Technology and Nutrition Discipline Council.

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Alicja Barańska
The Chairman and the Disciplinary Council of Food Technology and Nutrition of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences kindly informs that on April 12, 2024 at 11:00 the Institute of Food Sciences Nowoursynowska 159c Street, in room no. 57, building 32 public defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of doctor of agricultural sciences […]

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Adam Zwolan

Scientists from our institute in the World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023 ranking!
Research at the Institute

In July 2018, an interdisciplinary scientific and industrial consortium launched a project financed by the National Center for Research and Development under the Strategic Program for Scientific [...]

Innovative Mild Processing Tailored to Ensure Sustainable and High Quality Organic Fruit Products Link

FOX – Food Processing in a Box
„FOX stimulates short food supply chains for fruit and vegetables by applying small innovative mild processing technologies. The approach creates business opportunities for regional hubs and [...]
About the Institute
Calendar of events
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