Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation by mgr Katarzyna Rybak

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Milena Kupiec

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Ewelina Masiarz

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Rita Brzezińska

7th SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM “Microorganisms and their metabolites – a microworld of great opportunities and dangers”

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Justyna Kadzińska

Our scientists are among the 2% most frequently cited in the world

Conference entitled „Kobiety w nauce wczoraj i dziś”

A film promoting the use of European Funds in Masovia

Announcement of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of mgr inż. Bogumiła Urbańska